Cleansing. Psychic Insight. Meditation. Discovery.


Join us on a 3 day, mystical, spiritual & luxurious journey with our specialized Master Staff of Spiritual and Energy Healers, Clarivoyants, Reiki Practitioners, and Holistic Medicine Practitioners. Refresh, cleanse and restore your whole spirit, body and mind to unveil a more balanced and insightful you! The energy and spiritual practices comprised by the cultures of our International Master Staff, contribute to a unique and transformative experience! Our retreats are exclusive and interpersonal so space is limited to 12 participants.

When you join our 3 day healing retreat, you will experience & understand:

  • Healing & Cleansing of the Spirit

  • Heightened Psychic/Intuitive Function

  • Energy, Spirit & Mind Transformation

  • Meditation & Spiritual Practices

  • Creating Your Chosen Path for Purposeful Relationships

  • Increased Positive Energy & Emotional Stability

  • Pathways to Abundant Living

We regard the high Spiritual Law that ‘no one is sent to us by accident.’ If you feel something in your Spirit has called & led you to join us, we encourage you to take advantage of the best pricing you will see for this event. This exclusive retreat is limited to only 12 participants per event due to our exclusive venue and the intense level of one-on-one attention given, so slots will fill swiftly.
— Seventh Spirit Wellness Retreat Oct 3rd - 6th, 2019 Atlanta, Ga

Let the healing begin

Oct 3rd - 6th 2019 Atlanta, Georgia. Cleansing, Psychic Insight, Healing, Meditation, Discovery, Luxurious, Peaceful Setting.

Seventh Spirit Wellness Retreat


Step 1: Cleanse


Each day you will enjoy an array of essential cleansing and healing rituals and ceremonies for your mind, body and soul including Chakra and energy cleansing, Reiki healing, ancient, Native American and Eastern spiritual rituals, deep tissue and lymphatic massage, foot detox and reflexology and consultation with the Seventh Spirit Resident Holistic & Herbal Medicine Practitioner.

Step 2: Psychic Enlightenment

Private, one-on-one consultation for your VIP Intuitive Reading by one of our experienced, industry leading, Master Intuitives. A psychic consultation will give insight into your past, present and future situations and help you become more aware of the energy within and around you. Our intuitives will read your aura and energy and will recieve messages from their Spirit Guides on your behalf !


Step 3: Meditate

Experience our signature, Seventh Spirit Meditation and beginners to intermediate yoga. Daily sessions to help you connect with your Truth & Divine Nature, tap into your intuitive powers, release negative blocks of energy and find peace in your expanded awareness.

Step 4: Discover

Daily, intensive, interactive workshops from our leading Seventh Spirit Wellness Metaphysicians on various aspects of spirituality including:

  • Introduction to Meditation & Intuition

  • Breaking & Healing Negative Energy and its Cycles

  • Manifestation, Miracles & The Law of Attraction.

    Come get in touch with your higher Spirit and heal the energy within and around you so you can get closer to your Divine Path of joy, love and fufillment.

Sometimes, the Universe takes you on a journey you didn’t know you needed, to bring you everything you ever wanted...
— Seventh Spirit Wellness